5 Content Marketing Jobs That Can Make You A Living

5 Content Marketing Jobs That Can Make You A Living

online content

When you think about content marketing jobs, you probably have one specific thing in mind – writing blog posts. That’s not surprising at all. Content most usually is all about writing. Such a fact, however, can make those people who don’t really excel at writing a bit discouraged, thinking that they have made a few wrong turns on their way towards finding online jobs.

It can make them believe that they are swimming in the wrong pool and that they need a change. What’s more, even people who are great at writing don’t really benefit from the above thought. That’s because they can unnecessarily, and perhaps even subconsciously, limit themselves to one or two types of jobs. The truth is a bit different, though. Content marketing, as explained here, is a much broader term, encompassing numerous jobs.

If you have become at least a bit aware of the fact that there is more to this type of marketing than writing, then it is time for you to figure out what that “more” is. To put it differently, it is time for you to get familiar with different content marketing jobs, and then start pursuing your career in one of them if that’s what you want. Or, you can also start pursuing careers in various different niches. There’s no need to keep limiting yourself, as explained above.

A List Of Content Marketing Jobs Can Help You

Before I provide you with a list of those content marketing jobs that you could do, I need to say one thing about the notion of “pursuing a career”. Sure, people talk a lot about specializing your knowledge and finding a niche that you are best in. But, here is what you should know, especially if you are a beginner in the world of digital marketing. It is okay for you to try out numerous different things and nobody can tell you that you cannot be great at all of them. So, instead of limiting yourself to one thing, feel free to spread your wings and try out anything you want from the world of content marketing.

If you really want to try out those different things, though, you’ll need to learn what they are in the first place. For that reason, we are now going to have a look at that list of content marketing jobs that you can start pursuing. While reading, try to imagine yourself doing the jobs. I am sure that at least some of those will sound appealing.


The reason why there are so many different content marketing jobs out there is because businesses benefit from this: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/top-content-marketing-benefits/423355/

content marketing lap top

1.      Writer

You are probably already familiar with the first job on this list. We have made it clear that this is what you have in mind whenever content marketing is mentioned. If you feel that you have what it takes to be a writer, then this is certainly something to keep in mind, especially when looking for jobs online. Be careful here, though. Writing for marketing purposes is not the same as writing certain artistic pieces that come to you in the middle of the night when feeling lonely.

All of us writers have those kinds of artistic outbursts, and some of us even write such things on a daily basis. The thing is, though, that we don’t do that for money and we don’t expect money out of it. Nor should we. The writing that you’ll be doing for a marketing agency or directly for businesses and their blogs is different. There are SEO rules to follow, and the topics are usually related to certain services or products. But, once you get the hang of it, you can undeniably become great at it.

2.      Content Marketing Manager

A content marketing manager works a bit differently. Sure, you still have to know how things should be written for marketing purposes, but you should also be aware of certain other types of content that businesses can use in order to grow, such as videos, images, infographics and similar things. In fact, if you get a job like this, you will be responsible for creating an entire content strategy. And, that won’t be easy.

When you read a content marketing manager job description, you might first start feeling overwhelmed. That’s because you will assume that you are not up to the task. You’ll think that applying for something like that would feel like getting in way over your head. I definitely get that and I wouldn’t encourage you to apply for a job like this if you aren’t confident in your skills. If you really like the job, then you should work towards getting the necessary skills and then finding work.

content, connection, share, marketing

3.      TikTok Content Creator

TikTok seems to be THE social media platform right now. Of course, this does not mean that you should take all the other ones for granted. It also doesn’t mean that TikTok will forever be as strong as it is right now. It is popular now, meaning that the time to use it to your advantage is now.

If the above is encouraging you to become a TikToker, then let me tell you right away that I didn’t have anything like that in mind. Sure, if that’s what you want, nobody will stop you from doing it. But if you’re looking to make money, then it might be a better idea for you to become a TikTok content creator and then offer those services to businesses that would like to make themselves stand out on this platform.

4.      Social Media Manager

Since I’ve mentioned TikTok, it wouldn’t be fair of me to just ignore all the other social media platforms. If you are quite familiar with how some or all of those platforms work, then you are at least a little bit qualified to be a social media manager and work towards growing certain businesses and their online presence with the help of Instagram, Facebook etc. Of course, in addition to knowing how these platforms work, you’ll have to gain some more skills. But, if that’s what you like, you’ll probably be ready to focus on it.

5.      Content Outline Reviewer

If you’d really like a content marketing job, but you’re not sure that writing is the right thing for you, then you might want to think about taking a slightly different route and becoming a content outline reviewer. In this job, your responsibility would be to review the notes, the keywords, section headers and similar things in order to be sure that those adhere to project guidelines. So, someone else will write the content, and you’ll be there to check the crucial things. You’ll be giving and give the green light for publishing a certain piece.

Keep in mind that the above are only some content marketing jobs that you can find nowadays. So, if nothing feels like your cup of tea, you can keep searching for more. Or, you can just keep writing 4 fun and see what happens, if that is more to your liking.

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